Aviation Complaints about CEDR
CEDR sets high standards across the full range of dispute resolution services we offer, and we strive to achieve those standards all of the time. However, when things do go wrong, you are able to make a complaint to us.
CEDR promises to:
- Treat all complaints seriously and deal with them properly
- Address complaints promptly
- Learn from complaints and take action to improve our service
Please read the Complaints Review Policy and Process carefully, particularly the scope of the Policy, prior to submitting your complaint to us.
If you wish to make a complaint about a case you have had that has gone through the CEDR Aviation Adjudication Scheme, please proceed to the next section.
PDF Complaint Form Available
If you require a printable version of the complaint form, to post to us, please click here. We can also send you a paper version, please email complaints@cedr.com to arrange this.
If you would like to post your complaint in, please download the PDF complaint form above.
You can send the completed Complaint Form to:
CEDR Services Ltd
100 St. Paul's Churchyard